Arbit Statement on Completion of Redistricting, Adopted Michigan State House Map

Arbit Statement on Completion of Redistricting, Adopted Michigan State House Map
Adopted state house map reverses GOP partisan gerrymander, unites West Bloomfield, Lakes Area cities for first time in 20 years in new 20th House District
WEST BLOOMFIELD, Mich. — Following the Michigan Independent Citizens’ Redistricting Commission’s (MICRC) adoption of a final state house map for 2022-2030, Democratic state house candidate Noah Arbit (D-West Bloomfield) issued the following statement:
“This is an exciting moment for democracy in Michigan, and right here in West Bloomfield. The new map, while imperfect, is a significant improvement on the current gerrymander, and will give communities across Michigan a stronger voice in choosing who represents us in Lansing.
I applaud the Redistricting Commission for listening to the members of our community who showed up to ask that the Commission reunite West Bloomfield and undo the punitive, partisan gerrymander that divided our community and inhibited collective political action.
For the first time in 20 years, West Bloomfield will have one, unified voice in Lansing: I will work as hard as I can to be that voice and to represent our community with faith and fidelity as the state representative for Michigan’s 20th House District.
I am grateful for the leadership of Reps. Mari Manoogian (D-Birmingham) and Brenda Carter (D-Pontiac), as they have represented portions of our district with aplomb. I look forward to working with both of them as colleagues in Lansing from our new districts.
My pledge to the people of West Bloomfield, Commerce, Orchard Lake, Keego Harbor, Sylvan Lake, and Bloomfield is this: I will do everything in my power, every single day, to be the best advocate and representative I can be for you and your family.”