Building a Dynamic, Thriving Michigan for All

As our State Representative, Noah is working tirelessly to:
  • Reverse Michigan’s brain drain by investing in infrastructure and policies to attract young people raised and educated in Michigan to stay in Michigan to build their careers and families (HBs 5768, 5769, 5770)
  • Support our vibrant small business community in West Bloomfield, Commerce, and the Lakes by reducing overbearing regulatory burdens, cutting red tape, and swiftly connecting local businesses with the resources they need within state agencies
  • Partner with local officials and community leaders to boost economic development and incentivize new business growth across Greater West Bloomfield and Commerce, and pass a research and development tax credit (HBs 4368, 5099, 5100, 5101, 5102)
  • Continue movement towards a comprehensive paid family leave program in the State of Michigan that protects working families and small businesses alike (HB 4574)
  • Build support for a multi-modal rapid public transit system - including light rail - to unite Oakland County and the entire Metro Detroit region as one dynamic, interconnected regional economy and attract young people across the country
  • Implement a fair and manageable tax structure that generates enough revenue to adequately fund the quality services Michiganders desire without unduly burdening families
  • Protect workers’ rights and dignity, including the right to organize and collectively bargain, as well as repealing the right-to-work law and Governor Snyder’s unfair retirement tax (SB 34)
  • Significantly reform Michigan’s corporate tax incentive program (the “SOAR” Fund) to stop giving large corporations big handouts with little oversight or demonstrable taxpayer benefit (HBs 5768, 5769, 5770)
  • Advocate for Commerce Township’s industrial corridor - in efforts led by the Oakland County Executive’s Office to incentivize defense firms to locate in Oakland County, including as a member of the bipartisan Legislative Aerospace and Defense Caucus
  • Work with local, county, and state partners and community leaders to develop closer trade links between Oakland County and high-tech markets seeking to invest in Michigan, including firms located in South Korea, Taiwan, Israel, and the European Union

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