Confronting Michigan's Mental Health Crisis

As our State Representative, Noah is working tirelessly to:

  • Expand access to vital, affordable mental health treatment for all Michiganders regardless of income or zip code
  • Expand insurance coverage for treatments and therapies centered on addiction recovery, trauma, and behavioral health
  • Increase reimbursement rates to providers and reduce red tape to incentivize greater insurance network adoption by providers, including therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists (HB 5343 and 5345)
  • Incentivize mental health practitioners educated and trained in Michigan universities to stay and practice in Michigan through partial tuition repayment
  • Ensure stronger compliance by the State of Michigan with federal insurance parity laws for mental and physical health (SB 27 and HB 4707)
  • Increase mental health personnel and other resources in public schools to help address Michigan’s youth mental health crisis (FY 2024 School Aid Budget)
  • Provide funding for mental health responders to attach to local police units and provide vital expertise in responding to incidents potentially involving individuals suffering mental health issues (FY 2024 State Budget)
  • Advocate for a comprehensive study on the epidemic of loneliness among seniors, and issue public policy recommendations for interventions to improve mental health among elderly residents
  • Reduce the barriers to mental health practitioners wishing to move to Michigan to practice by reforming Michigan’s endorsement process for psychiatrists and speeding Michigan’s accession to the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (Psypact) and Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards Agreement of Reciprocity (AOR)
  • Ban dangerous, harmful, pseudo-scientific practice of “conversion therapy” for minors in Michigan (HB 4616 and 4617)
  • Support community organizations working to address the mental health needs of underserved communities, including LGBTQ+ Michiganders

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